What’s my weakness? Handbags.
Classic and timeless handbags are a must have and with so many options to choose from these days, you can easily find one that suits your style. I personally love leather satchels and tote bags because they have a very feminine and timeless feel while still being functional. They are easy to clean and as we all know leather just gets better with age. I know these are pieces that I’ll have for years to come. We travel a lot and I have found myself reaching for my tote bags over and over again. I hope to design one for our collection one day!
I have come across so many beautiful bags recently that have the right amount of simplicity, versatility and style. Here are some tried and true handbags I’ve put together which will stay timeless and classic.
1 Kate Spade Large Molly Tote | 2 Tory Burch Kira Chevron Quilted Tote | 3 Louis Vuitton Neverfull Tote | 4 Furla Luce Tote | 5 Kate Spade Margaux Medium Satchel
What are some of your go-to handbags? As always, thanks for reading!